Monday, July 26, 2010

Return From Beyond

After a year and a half sabbatical, I have returned, I'm pretty sure at least. And I've brought along a couple extra people...

I've thought often of returning, just finally realizing I have over a year of forgotten memories and unknown silly things said or done took awhile. I want to remember them. So here I am. To begin here's the break down of the year. At least what you're gonna get off the top of my head and to prove my point.

February - Married Isaiah. Now I can finally blog about my own what exactly does that mean?

March - Found out I was expecting

Spring/Summer/Fall - Was pregnant and very pregnant, did things in that state.

September - Providence turned 5, now she'll be 6 in a few short months.

October - Moved to a cutsie house about 5 minutes from the old one. By cutsie I mean both it's about 1/2 the size of the old place, and we LOVE it.

November - Welcomed our daughter Jubilee to our family (don't worry there are over 9 months between, in case you're a counter)

Winter/Spring - Adjusted to said arrival.

July - Providence went on her first trip without me, to California with my family for an entire week. All involved did wonderfully, well that's slightly exaggerated for my part.

And to bring you up to speed completely I am expecting again in Feb/March of 2011.

So not to overwhelm, I will end there for now. Introductions to the new members of our unit forthcoming.


CAjohnsonfamily July 27, 2010 at 12:31 PM  

I'm so glad you are back on! I've missed you blogging!

Sarah July 27, 2010 at 2:47 PM  

Oh I have missed your blogs!! SO glad you are back!! (I haven't been so inspired to blog much lately either, lol). Can't wait to hear all about your adventures with your newly expanded (and expanding) family!! Congrats on #3!!

Krista July 27, 2010 at 6:37 PM  

Welcome back and many congratulations for all the amazing changes/blessings in your life over the past year!

Drea July 30, 2010 at 11:39 AM  

YAY!!!!!!! SHES BACK!!!!!!!!!!!!! :-) SO COOL!!

Becky or MomS/Gram July 30, 2010 at 11:55 AM  

So glad you are back to blogging!!!

Deb August 1, 2010 at 11:10 PM  

I also am happy to see you back in blog land...and congratulations again on another blessing on the way!

Deepa August 9, 2010 at 10:40 PM  

yay!!! I'm so happy you're back! I have missed your blog!! I too have aqn addition to my family since your last post. Nanma (meaning goodness)our little daughter, was born to us in March 2009.

oh! Im so glad you're back!

Stacey August 12, 2010 at 3:18 PM  

Wow, I missed a lot ;) Welcome back to blogging!

Stef August 20, 2010 at 7:14 PM  

Welcome back! I saw your blog once on Erin Adams blog roll and was reading it and then you went away :(
So glad you're back and MAJOR congrats to you on the wedding and both babies!! God is good.

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