Saturday, March 5, 2011

New Addition

But no it's not the baby.

Oma and Grandpa have been staying with us this week awaiting little one's arrival. Yesterday the sun was out and Providence asked Grandpa to play outside with her and help her clean up her playhouse. Guess what Grandpa found shut up inside.
I'm thanking the Lord that they found her when they did, and not a starved dead cat later. We don't really know how long she was imprisoned but I'm pretty sure Providence has been out there less then a week ago...poor thing was awfully hungry and attention starved.

After Providence cared for her the entire morning Isaiah told me "I guess this is how God gives pets to little girls whose Papa won't." He sat Providence down and told her that Mittens (Providence had named her) may be someone else's cat and might go back home, but if she sticks around then Providence needs to take care of her everyday. A few other rules are she's outside only, and if she sticks around for awhile she's going into the vet to get altered. Providence was a little disappointed about that, explaining that she LOVED kittens. But Papa is firm.


Zaiah 'n Lis March 6, 2011 at 5:02 PM  

very firm indeed, but I would say "soft" too.

Ivanna March 8, 2011 at 5:35 PM  

Yes, soft too. I love it! Glad God gave her a cat, at least for a while. :)

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